Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers


Dental veneer is a thin layer of either porcelain or composite material that is custom-made to fit the front surface of a tooth. It is made to cosmetically improve the tooth’s color, shape and correct the position of slightly crooked or misshapen tooth. Veneer is also a great cosmetic solution for chipped tooth or to lengthen a worn-down tooth.

Here at Asok Station Dental Clinic, we offer 2 types of veneers; porcelain and composite. We invite you read through the following information regarding these different types so you can better decide which is right for you. Or you can come to our clinic, and our highly qualified and experienced cosmetic dentists will be happy to assist you.

What are the difference between porcelain veneer & composite veneers?

Porcelain or ceramic closely mimics natural teeth. It is high resistant from scratches, and breakage. It does not become porous overtime and it does not absorb water and stains from coffee, tea, soft drinks or from smoking. It does not irritate the surrounding tissue. This type of veneer takes 2-3 appointment visits to finish

Composite resin is relatively durable and finishes naturally and is cheaper than ceramic or porcelain. It can imitate the color of natural teeth, and if it is chipped or cracked, in some cases, it could still be repaired. However, long-term this material will absorb water which makes it porous and dull looking. Also, if tooth is too dark it is recommended to use porcelain or ceramic, than composite.

Benefits of dental veneers :

  • Improves the color of teeth, covering  discolored teeth caused by repeated root canal treatment; tetracycline stains or other medications, excessive application of fluoride or other causes;
  • Lengthening worn down teeth
  • Restore chipped or broken teeth
  • Restore misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped teeth
  • Reshapes teeth to close the gaps between teeth or at least make gap less noticeable
  • Restores confidence to smile

Things to consider when getting veneers done:

  1. Since veneers are thin shell-like material, there will be a possibility of it coming-off when patient accidentally bites them on brittle or hard food or objects
  2. It may take time for patients to get used to, like the new alignment of teeth and its new shape.
  3. Some habits that a patient may have accustomed in doing like biting nails, opening packets, etc. must be avoided.
  4. Patient should understand that getting veneers is irreversible, because the tooth structure will be resized by removing some amount of surface to the natural teeth to fit the veneers in.